Dental World Endodontic Congress
Dental World Endodontic Congress is the leading Dental Conference in the Central-Eastern European region.
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Dr Enrico Cassai: 8 October 15:00-16:20
“The blue alloy in modern endodontics”
The current orientation of modern endodontics is aiming at a concept of “minimally invasive” respecting the original anatomy of the dental structure. This approach should be maintained starting from the creation of the access cavity until the final step of endodontic restoration wherever reasonably possible. This philosophy should also be respected in the shaping step. In the past the elimination of excessive dental structure was necessary in order to reduce the risk of fracture of mechanized endodontic instruments during their use.
However, with the introduction of ever more performing alloys in terms of flexibility and resistance to cyclic fatigue, the concept of “minimally invasive” could be applied even in endodontic treatments and especially also in particularly difficult cases with extremely severe curvatures.
The aim of this update is to focus on how in particular the blue wire heat treated alloy applied to two different movements, rotating and reciprocating, has brought significant advantages for clinicians, and how to make the most of it in different clinical situations.